
Mike Skinner unpacks the complicated working relationship between architect Albert Kahn and motor magnate Henry Ford. Although they worked well together, their interactions were constrained by Ford's public antisemitism. March 14, 2022.

Gail Rosenbloom Kaplan reveals how art can enrich history. Discover the historical inspirations behind her studio art, including the Kindertransport quilts at the Zekelman Holocaust Center. March 3, 2022.

When interstate buses debuted in the 1920s, most bus corporations insisted on racial segregation. White Americans were largely silent about these practices with one major exception: Jews. February 23, 2022.

Charles R. Gallagher recounts a forgotten chapter in the history of America's far right. Christian Front members viewed themselves as crusaders fighting for the nation's spiritual purification. February 10, 2022.

JHSM VP Barbara Cohn interviews Israeli artist Yigal Ozeri and his daughter, Shear, managing director of Yigal Ozeri LLC. Yigal Ozeri is one of the leading artists of photorealism. Photo courtesy Elayne Gross Photography. January 21, 2022.

Award-winning author discusses Frank Murphy (Detroit mayor, Michigan governor, and US Supreme Court justice) and his ties to the Jewish community. Part 3. January 19, 2022.

J-Cycle 10 (2021) Resources

Looking for more information on J-Cycle 10's automotive-themed stops?

Meyer & Anna Prentis Building
Boston Edison
Ford Piquette Avenue Plant
Beth Olem Cemetery
Eastern Market


J-Cycle 8 (2018) Interactive Map

Unable to attend our wildly popular bicycle tour of Jewish Detroit? Our route below gives you a taste of what you missed. This map is made possible by a grant from MotorCities National Heritage Area. We appreciate their support!


J-Cycle Interactive Map


Looking for Some Good Reading Material on Jews in Michigan?

• American Jewish History, Journal of the American Jewish Historical Society. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.

• Applebaum, Phillip. The Wetsmans: Odyssey of an American Family. William Morse Davidson, 1994.

• Berman, Lila Corwin.  Metropolitan Jews: Politics, Race, and Religion in Postwar Detroit.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015.

• Bolkosky, Sidney. Harmony and Dissonance, Voices of Jewish Identity in Detroit, 1914-1967. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1991.

• Cantor, Judith Levin. Jews in Michigan. (Discovering the Peoples of Michigan). East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2001.

• Cohen, Irwin. Jewish Detroit: A Pictorial History. Arcadia Press, 2002.

• Demetriou, Karen Kritz, & Fran Rubin Weinstein. Temple B’nai Israel, 100 Years: Saginaw, Michigan, 1890-1990. Saginaw: Golden Jubilee, 1942.

• Devlin, Dennis S. Muskegon’s Jewish Community: A Centennial History, 1888-1988. Muskegon: Dana Corp., 1988.

• Edgar, Dr. Irving I. A History of Early Jewish Physicians in the State of Michigan. New York: Philosophical Library, 1982.

• Friedlander, Alex.  From Suwalki to St. Ignace: A History of the Rosenthal, Reinhertz, Blumrosen, Winkelman, and Related Families.  Brooklyn, NY: Breakaway Productions, 2003.

• Grad, Eli, and Bette Roth. Congregation Shaarey Zedek, 5622-5742, 1861-1981. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1982.

• Katz, Irving I., and Dr. Jacob Marcus. The Beth El Story. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1955.

• Kraus, Bea. A Time to Remember: A History of the Jewish Community in South Haven. Allegan Forest, MI: The Priscilla Press, 1999.
(Available at First Hebrew Congregation, 263 Broadway, South Haven, MI 49090)

• Michigan History, Journal of the Historical Society of Michigan. 1305 Abbott Rd., Lansing, MI 48823.

• Michigan Jewish History, JHSM's annual journal. West Bloomfield, MI.
Contact us to find out how you can receive a copy of the current issue.  Browse our online archive of past issues.

• Rockaway, Robert. The Jews of Detroit, From the Beginning, 1762-1914. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1986.

• Slobin, Dan. From the Pale of Settlement to Michigan: Stories of My Grandparents and Their Families.  Berkeley: Dan I. Slobin, 2016, 2021.


Links to some digitized content provided by our friends at the Center for Jewish History.





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